Tyrannosaurus Flex


Above is an attachment to one of the most feared dinosaurs of all time. The Tyrannosaurus Flex A.K.A the T-Flex, lived in the stone age and poached off of smaller nerdier dinosaurs lunch money. With this lunch money T-Flex could buy all the skateboards, backwards hats, and obey shirts he wanted. The T-Flex is not pleased with just Obey shirts, skateboards, and backwards hats, he needs a hint of danger in his life. The T-Flex buys lollipops to eat while he skateboards to intimidate all the other dinosaurs. The T-Flex also dislikes the dinosaur police as he believes they don’t treat the T-Flex race correctly. T-Flex’s on average murder 20,000 dinosaur police a year. T-Flex’s commonly associate with pdactles (a post will highlight them soon) and pick on the local nerd dinosaur.

Long Neck O’ Saurus Rex

Long Neck O Saurus Rex

Above is an attachment to an image of a dinosaur that changed my life. The Long Neck O’ Saurus Rex or LNOSR as I will commonly refer to him, redefined the way dinosaurs live… or die. LNOSR has a special condition where his brain is the size of a small poop. According to my calculations it is a small poop. Due to this small unfortunate birth defect, the LNOSR has mental challenges. If a tree is not up to his height LNOSR will not see it and will not eat. LNOSR stands an astonishing 85 feet tall and most trees aren’t 85 feet tall. LNOSR can’t  bend his neck to eat the smaller trees because if he bends his neck it will snap and LNOSR will die. LNOSR is a determined creature though. His love for leaves will prevail, if LNOSR has to it, will lay on its back and eat trees upside down. Most LNOSRs die out but the most determined live and give a nice model on how to live life, determined and without a stiff neck.